Porn World (ai_mission_pw.p3s)


You not only have to clean up someone's wank, but you also have to defend the store from being destroyed.
No one pays the Postal Dude high enough for this.

Porn World does not have unused behaviors in it's script file.

All used behavior names in the level:

'bh_punisher' -- Cop

'bh_ron' has a commented out pattern called 'pt_spawnDrocha' which would have spawned a tissue in his right hand and drop it.

'bh_drocher' has a commented out pattern called 'pt_sayHereEmployed!'

// from 'bh_ron'
    SpawnItem drocha_spwn,owner,hand_right
    Item drop

// from 'bh_drocher'
        TargetCaller 1
        IfAttr "checkCount < 4 and DistTo:target < 5 and Visible:target == 1 Block begin"
            ChangeAttr "checkCount 1"
            Pattern pt_default
        Block end
        Face true
        Sequence "seq.confusion_active"
        WaitForEnd 1
        Face false
        Timer "sayBusy,0"
        SetHintGroup wish_fun_idle
        Pattern pt_end