
Plays a .bik video located in '.\p3_english\media'


  • Depending on which command will you use for video playing, it will become unskippable.
  • Postal3Script is too slow to play an intro movie on the beginning of a map, causing it you to see the map for a brief second before eventually playing the movie.


PlayVideo [filename],[fade_in_time],[fade_out_time],[console_command(s) to execute after video is finished playing]

Technical Details

* Will execute "p3_playvideo" or "p3_playvideo_exitcommand" console commands.

* Syntax for "p3_playvideo_exitcommand" is 'filename', 'exitcommand', 'fadein', 'fadeout'.

* Syntax for "p3_playvideo" is 'filename', 'fadein', 'fadeout'.


// Fades in and fades out in 1.5 seconds
PlayVideo placeholder, 1.5, 1.5

// Fades in and fades out in 1 second
PlayVideo thebigrevenge, 1, 1

// Alternative (requires pcc entity in the level)
EntFireInput "pcc,Command:playvideo thebigrevenge"

// Another alternative
// Will play music, and text after video had ended
EntFireInput "pcc,Command:playgamesound Music.IntroStinger"
EntFireInput "pcc,Command:video_exitcmd notimportant gameui_show_p3_briefdlg #CR_MONDAY_BRIEFING"