Searches the map for an entity by name, and sets it as the target object if successful.
TargetEntByName [string]
// (From ai_mission_cw.p3s)
IfAttr "cage_num == 4 Block begin"
IfAttr "slot#msGP.Cage_04_opened == 0 Repeat 0"
IfAttr "slot#msGP.Cage_04_opened == 1 Block begin"
// Search for an entity named "npc_dog_04" from the map
TargetEntByName npc_dog_04
IfAttr "Object:target == Object:Null Repeat 0"
IfAttr "Name:target != String:npc_dog_04 Repeat 0"
IfAttr "target.Taken == 1 Repeat 0"
State st_take
Block end
Block end
// (From "Name" page's Example)
TargetEntByName npc_jen
IfAttr "Name:target == String:npc_jen Block begin"
// Set jen's health to zero
SetAttr "target.ea_health 0"
Block end