Object Entities
An object, such as an NPC, Player or a prop.
In Postal3Script you have access to certain objects such as target
or the behavior's host, and you can either manipulate or read from them.
You don't always have access to the caller
, as it's heavily dependent on the Event that caused the Object to enter the pattern.
Typically, the caller means something or someone that forced the Object to enter a pattern.
All the objects in Postal3Script:
; Object:Target
; Object:Player
; Object:null
; Object:self
; Object:anchor
; Object:destination
🆙🪽 Postal III Ultrapatch-only feature
on Players behaves the same like with NPCs.Object:item
can be used to get the active weapon, including dismembered bodyparts and throwable objects on Players and NPCs.
-- Returns the Object specified
// Check if our caller exists (null == zero)
IfAttr "Object:caller != Object:null Block Begin"
// Was it the Player who forced us into this state?
IfAttr "Object:caller == Object:player Block Begin"
// Well then we are going to run to them endlessly
TargetPlayer 1 // or TargetCaller 1
MoveToTarget run,1,0
Block End
Block End
// Check if our target isn't the Player
IfAttr "Object:target != Object:null and Object:target != Object:Player Block Begin"
// Bad day for our enemy, though, because they are going to die instantly
ChangeAttr "target.ea_health -target.ea_health"
Block End
// Object:self and Object:item are barely used, the latter is used by Motorhead
// It's a pointer to the NPC's held item
// Check out ai_motorhead.p3s, ai_st1_common.p3s, ai_st2_states.p3s
// and ai_st7_environment.p3s
Saving Objects To Memory
You are capable of saving an object to memory, with up to 10 slots.
This feature is typically used for keeping track of progress on tasks and related to mission logic.
The '6' and '7' memory slot was never used. Cannot be higher than 10 or lower than 0.
// (from ai_st_init.p3s)
// Const msTEMP,0
// Const msOWNER,1
// Const msTARGET,2
// Const msENEMY,3
// Const msSUSPECTED,4
// Const msLEADER,5
// Const msDRIVEN,6
// Const msINTEREST,7
// Const msKILLER,8
// Const msGP,9
// Get entity named 'gameplay' and set it as target
TargetEntByName gameplay
// Save the target to memory
TargetToMem msGP
// Set the MathLogic's attribute
ChangeAttr "slot#msGP.MoneyGiven +5"
// Reset the target
ResetTarget 1