
Each NPC and even some generic entities, have a specific Manner assigned to them.
This is essentially the same thing as Faction but on a more individual level.

This is used for various things, such as setting and checking how a specific NPC belonging to a Faction actually BEHAVES to then make another NPC act accordingly towards them.
For example, preventing us from punching someone we dislike, and instead just shoving them because our Manner is set as GayGuy.


Here's a list of all the manner types: Player, StreetBro, JusticeMan, StGranny, LameWanker, SoccerMom, CuteGirl, Vendor, RedNeck, SushiNinja, Girl, MedicDoc, StrayDog, MonkeyApe, PussyCat, JihadBeard, RhinoCow, LaserDot, Mission, Pigeon, GayGuy, NerdyNerd, Bystander


  • There is an identification mismatch between source code and the Manner list, a dummy Manner should be added at the very top (first on the list) to avoid issues.
  • When checking for Manner, the Manner MUST exist in the list of Manners, otherwise Postal3Script will pass checks for that entity unknowingly.

🆙🪽 Postal III Ultrapatch-only feature

The '0 index' bug is fixed

    Group Neutral
                // Don't continue if we're not a StreetBro...
                IfAttr "ea_manner != Manner:StreetBro Return 1"

                // If the target's manner is lame wanker, bully the poor guy!
                IfAttr "target.ea_manner == Manner:LameWanker Pattern pt_Bully"