Paradise Bridge (ai_mission_pdb.p3s)


This is where most of the Players felt really disappointed with the game. Oh also, grenades are very happy to crash the game!

Below you will only see the behavior names, and a rough guessing from the code on what they were supposed to do.

Unused behavior name(s) from script file:

'bh_look_tut_point' - Checks for Player Line of Sight, executes events according if Player is looking at it

All used behavior names in the level:

'bh_swat03' -- This is not an error, bh_swat02 does not exists

State 'st_tutor04' from 'bh_mission_pdb' is unused

It involved the game spawning gasoline trails, then giving the player a match to lit them up, before eventually going to the Zombies to roast them.

st_tutor04 //не используется, оставил на всякий случай
    Group Neutral
                //PlayVideo pdb_04,1.0,1.0
                Wait 0.9
                EntFireInput tutor03_teleport,Teleport
                EntFireInput "pcc,Command:use p3_weapon_emptyhands"
                EntFireInput "lpp,RemoveWeapon:p3_weapon_grenade"
                //EntFireInput tutor04_clip,Enable
                //EntFireInput tutor04_escape_tg,Enable
                //MissionLog remove,tutor03_01
                //MissionLog remove,tutor03_02
                AddFluid "171,670,100,300000"
                AddFluid "-318,931,80,300000"
                AddFluid "150,925,100,100000"
                AddFluid "-110,1030,80,200000"
                EntFireInput "pcc,Command:give p3_weapon_match"
                //EntFireInput "pcc,Command:use p3_weapon_match"
                Wait 0.5
                MissionLog "add_primary,tutor04,#P3_PDB_T04_LOG"
                ShowMessage #P3_PDB_T04_MSG01
                OnTutor04ZombiesDead    "Pattern pt_end"

                MissionLog done,tutor04
                State st_tutor05
                //EntFireInput tutor04_block,disable
                //EntFireInput tutor04_block_tg,disable
                OnTutorial05Start "State st_tutor05"