Jen Walcott's Bodyguard (ai_mission_jwb.p3s)
If only the Taser wasn't that bad... maybe this mission wouldn't feel frustrating.
How is it that Jen can kill people with her shovel, but you cannot?
JWB does not have unused behaviors.
All behavior names used in the level:
'bh_mall_mom_prespawn' -- is in script file
'bh_mis_jen' -- is in script file, mission logic
'bh_shovel' -- Used by Jens shovel
'bh_jwb_civil' -- is in script file
'bh_jwb_civil_static' -- is in script file
'bh_jen_cop' -- is in script file, used by Cops
'bh_jwb_jen' -- is in script file, used by Jen
'bh_mall_mom' -- is in script file
JWB has very subtle commented out lines that it is hard to say confidentally what things were heavily changed, or cut.