Show Functions


Prints out message to the screen.

Supports strings from './p3/resource/p3_english.txt'


  • Equivalent to Half-Life 2's UserMessageBegin.
  • Uses extra data from HudLayout.res, channels_manifest.txt, and HudAnimations.txt


// This will print on the screen
ShowMessage "#P3_CM_INSANE1"

// This will print on the P3Karma channel
ShowMessage "[Ja-ja, natΓΌrlich!], $P3Karma"

// This will print on the P3Mission channel
ShowMessage "[Puff! Puff! Puff!], $P3Mission"

// This will print on the P3Debug channel
ShowMessage "[Meow!... I'm on Fear!!!], $P3Debug"

// You have arrested 0-3 of 3 hobos
ChangeAttr "HoboArrested 1"
ShowMessage "[You have arrested {0:v} of 3 hobos], $P3Mission, HoboArrested"

// Slightly more complex syntax
IfAttr "caller.ea_Manner == Manner:PussyCat and mis_004 >= 0 Block begin,execute"
    TargetEntByName mg_004
    SetAttr "mis_004 cat_counter"
    IfAttr "mis_004 >= target.condition SetAttr mis_004 target.condition"
    ShowMessage "[ {0:v} of {1:v} deceased cats have been obtained], $P3Mission, mis_004, target.condition"
Block end


Unused Postal3Script function.

Karma hinting is done automatically, so this has been left completely unused.


    Uses data from './p3/scripts/hints_manifest.txt'


// First found in 'ai_st1_common.p3s' Line 954
ShowHint hintCat

// First found in 'ai_st6_missions.p3s' Line 528
ShowHint hintKarmaDown
ShowHint hintKarmaUp