Add a panel with a progress bar on the HUD with an associated attribute for the "progress" value.
- Used for displaying boss/ally health bars and portraits in missions.
- Uses .res files located in
AttributeProgressBar "[panel],show,[attribute]"
-- Show the progress bar panel with the attribute's value hidden
AttributeProgressBar "[panel],show,[attribute],show_value"
-- Show the progress bar panel with the attribute's value shown as well
AttributeProgressBar "[panel],hide"
-- Hide the progress bar
// (From ai_cashmart_npc.p3s, Cashmart Helicopter boss)
SetAttr "flag_zombie 1"
TargetEntByName gameplay
TargetToMem msGP
SetAttr "ea_dmg_absorb 95"
TargetPlayer 1
FireInput self,StartHunt
// Show the Panel and assign our health attribute
// ("Postal III/p3/resource/UI/Hud/HeliHealthPanel.res")
AttributeProgressBar "HeliHealthPanel,show,ea_health"
Timer tShout,5:2