Input Functions

These are all the input functions implemented which can be invoked via
FireInput (only void functions) or EntFireInput.

Player All Entities
IgnoreFallDamage (float) SetTeam (int)
IgnoreFallDamageWithoutReset (float) Kill (void)
OnSquadMemberKilled (void) KillHierarchy (void)
DisableFlashlight (void) Use (void)
EnableFlashlight (void) Alpha (int)
ForceDropPhysObjects (void) AlternativeSorting (bool)
RequestPlayerHealth (void) Color (RGBA)
SetFlashlightSlowDrain (void) SetParent (string)
SetFlashlightNormalDrain (void) SetParentAttachment (string)
SetPlayerHealth (int) SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset (string)
RequestAmmoState (void) ClearParent (void)
LowerWeapon (void) SetDamageFilter (string)
EnableCappedPhysicsDamage (void) EnableDamageForces (void)
DisableCappedPhysicsDamage (void) DisableDamageForces (void)
SetLocatorTargetEntity (string) DispatchEffect (string)
SuppressCrosshair (void) DispatchResponse (string)
CreateDouble (void) AddContext (string)
DestroyDouble (void) RemoveContext (string)
EnableControl (void) ClearContext (string)
DisableControl (void) DisableShadow (void)
GiveItemToPlayer (string) EnableShadow (void)
GiveItemToDouble (string) AddOutput (string)
SwitchWeapon (string) FireUser1 (string)
DamagePlayer (int) FireUser2 (string)
GiveWeapon (string) FireUser3 (string)
RemoveWeapon (string) FireUser4 (string)
RemoveAllWeapon (string) FireFSMScriptEvent (string)
WeaponFire (float) SetState (string)
WeaponAltFire (float) SetAttribute (string)
ShootingEnable (void) ChangeAttribute (string)
ShootingDisable (void) SetFSMTarget (string)
ClearEventList (void) ---
HolsterWeapon (void) ---
UnholsterWeapon (void) ---
DisableWeaponSwitching (void) ---
EnableWeaponSwitching (void) ---
Say (string) ---
All P3 NPCs Hugo Chavez Sim Driver
InteractivePowerDown (void) SetDriversMaxSpeed (float) SetDriversMaxSpeed (float)
HeadTurningOff (void) SetDriversMinSpeed (float) SetDriversMinSpeed (float)
HeadTurningOn (void) StartForward (void) StartForward (void)
SetHabitatID (int) Stop (void) Stop (void)
EnableCollisionCheck (void) StartFiring (string) StartFiring (void)
DisableCollisionCheck (void) StopFiring (void) StopFiring (void)
StepOffVehiclePath (void) Show (void) GotoPathCorner (string)
SetLeanGroup (string) Hide (void) EnterVehicle (string)
--- GotoPathCorner (string) LeaveVehicle (void)
Logic Entity Traffic Entity
Enable (void) Enable (void)
Disable (void) Disable (void)
Toggle (void) Toggle (void)
SetUpdateTime (float) SetPeriod (float)
--- SetCooldown (float)
SetTrack (string)
FlyToSpecificTrackViaPath (string)
StartPatrol (void)
StopPatrol (void)
StartBreakableMovement (void)
StopBreakableMovement (void)
ChooseFarthestPathPoint (void)
ChooseNearestPathPoint (void)
InputStartLeading (int)
InputStopLeading (void)
StartPatrolBreakable (void)
FlyToPathTrack (string)
Activate (void)
GunOn (void)
GunOff (void)
MissileOn (void)
MissileOff (void)
EnableRotorWash (void)
DisableRotorWash (void)
MoveTopSpeed (void)
MoveSpecifiedSpeed (float)
SetAngles (string)
EnableRotorSound (void)
DisableRotorSound (void)
Kill (void)
Enable (void)
Disable (void)
OmniscientOn (void)
OmniscientOff (void)
SetPenetrationDepth (float)
BlindfireOn (void)
BlindfireOff (void)
SelfDestruct (void)
SetDockingBBox (void)
SetNormalBBox (void)
EnableGroundAttack (void)
DisableGroundAttack (void)
DoGroundAttack (string)
StartDefault (void)
StartHunt (void)
StartCover (void)