Blocks, Conditional
In Postal3Script instead of brackets, you use blocks, this is similar to how LUA does it.
A block always begins with Block begin
and ends with Block end
Functions that support Blocks in conditionals:
- IfAttr
- CheckAttr
TODO (?)
Block seem to support Execute
, what does it actually do?
Begins with Block Begin,Execute
and ends with Block End
, in between can be placed code.
Is it still working or is it a remnant from the past?
Note this is only found in test scripts left by TM devs, it's not in any release scripts.
// Let's randomize this attribute from 0 to 100..
SetAttr "rnd 0:100"
// AND Keyword can be useful here too!
IfAttr "rnd < 9 AND ea_health < 100 Block begin"
// Code below will never run because we enter into another pattern.
Pattern pt_secret
Block end
// You can also use blocks with CheckAttr
CheckAttr "myspecialattribute Block begin"
SetAttr "rnd 45:100"
Block end
// Let's check if it's higher than 50
// Pay attention to the block function!
IfAttr "rnd > 50 Block begin"
// Now here press tab once and start putting code in here!
SetAttr "rnd 50:100"
// By putting 'Return 1' here, this will return from the entire pattern!
// Code below will never execute!
Return 1
Block end
// It wasn't over 50... so let's just enter another pattern.
Pattern pt_fail
You can also put blocks inside blocks, but sooner or later it'll be a mangled spaghetti.
// from ai_mission_bdk.p3s, snipped
IfAttr "TaskCombat == TC_SHOOT Block begin"
IfAttr "TaskLogicPath < 7 Block begin"
Timer tTaskCombat,5:5
IfAttr "ThrownGrenade < MAX_LIVE_GRENADE SetAttr TaskCombat TC_THROW"
IfAttr "ThrownGrenade >= MAX_LIVE_GRENADE SetAttr TaskCombat TC_MOVETO"
Block end
IfAttr "TaskLogicPath >= 7 Block begin"
Timer tTaskCombat,3:2
SetAttr "TaskCombat TC_MOVETO"
Block end
Block end