Blocks, Conditional

In Postal3Script instead of brackets, you use blocks, this is similar to how LUA does it.


A block always begins with Block begin and ends with Block end

Functions that support Blocks in conditionals:
- IfAttr
- CheckAttr

TODO (?)

Block seem to support Execute, what does it actually do?
Begins with Block Begin,Execute and ends with Block End, in between can be placed code.
Is it still working or is it a remnant from the past?
Note this is only found in test scripts left by TM devs, it's not in any release scripts.


        // Let's randomize this attribute from 0 to 100..
        SetAttr "rnd 0:100"

        // AND Keyword can be useful here too!
        IfAttr "rnd < 9 AND ea_health < 100 Block begin"
            // Code below will never run because we enter into another pattern.
            Pattern pt_secret
        Block end

        // You can also use blocks with CheckAttr
        CheckAttr "myspecialattribute Block begin"
            SetAttr "rnd 45:100"
        Block end

        // Let's check if it's higher than 50
        // Pay attention to the block function!
        IfAttr "rnd > 50 Block begin"
            // Now here press tab once and start putting code in here!
            SetAttr "rnd 50:100"

            // By putting 'Return 1' here, this will return from the entire pattern!
            // Code below will never execute!
            Return 1
        Block end

        // It wasn't over 50... so let's just enter another pattern.
        Pattern pt_fail

You can also put blocks inside blocks, but sooner or later it'll be a mangled spaghetti.

// from ai_mission_bdk.p3s, snipped
        IfAttr "TaskCombat == TC_SHOOT Block begin"
            IfAttr "TaskLogicPath < 7 Block begin"
                Timer tTaskCombat,5:5
                IfAttr "ThrownGrenade < MAX_LIVE_GRENADE SetAttr TaskCombat TC_THROW"
                IfAttr "ThrownGrenade >= MAX_LIVE_GRENADE SetAttr TaskCombat TC_MOVETO"
            Block end
            IfAttr "TaskLogicPath >= 7 Block begin"
                Timer tTaskCombat,3:2
                SetAttr "TaskCombat TC_MOVETO"
            Block end
        Block end