Animation Events

Character models' animation files have embedded/scripted events in them, which call P3S events.

Unlike every other engine attributes or events, these ones can be edited by decompiling animation files.


  • Animation Events will always be called on the host.

  • Animation Events are animation frame specific.

  • The syntax for calling a P3S event on a frame is:

    • This would call OnAnimEVENTNAMEGOESHERE P3S event on frame 33

  • Not all models/animations have script events


  • Human models do not share animations, they have individual animation files, if you edit one, you MUST edit the rest of them to be consistent!

  • Due to Postal 3 having a different MDL format, it's not possible to decompile animation files and then recompile them back again, you will have to use a custom MDL file to create new or override animations.

Cat (cat.mdl/cat_animations.mdl)

Sequence/Gesture Name Postal3Script Event
idle_take OnAnimTake

Dog (champ.mdl/champ_animations.mdl)

Sequence/Gesture Name Postal3Script Event
idle_poo OnAnimPOO
idle_take OnAnimTAKE
idle_give OnAnimGIVE
idle_bark_1 OnAnimBARK
idle_eat_out OnAnimYUMMY

Rhino (rhino.mdl)


Rhino calls multiple P3S events in one sequence!

Sequence/Gesture Name Postal3Script Event
Run_Gallop OnAnimRhinoStompFR
Run_Gallop OnAnimRhinoStompBR
Run_Gallop OnAnimRhinoStompBL
Run_Gallop OnAnimRhinoStompFL

All Human Models


Some scripted events are missing from certain NPCs (i.e. KrotchyNPC), the events below are extracted from M_Avg and F_Avg anims (which are copy pasted onto other NPC models)!

Sequence/Gesture Name Postal3Script Event
dialogue_no OnAnimHEY
env_lifting OnAnimTAKE
env_discard OnAnimDROP
env_throw OnAnimTHROW
env_phone_in OnAnimTAKE
env_phone_out OnAnimDROP
melee_attack2 OnAnimHIT
melee_attack3 OnAnimHIT
melee_attack4 OnAnimPUSH_MEDIUM
melee_attack5 OnAnimHIT
melee_attack6 OnAnimHIT
melee_attack7 OnAnimHIT
melee_push2 OnAnimPUSH_HEAVY
melee_box_01_L OnAnimHIT (Male only)
melee_box_01_R OnAnimHIT (Male only)
melee_box_02_L OnAnimHIT (Male only)
melee_box_02_R OnAnimHIT (Male only)
melee_box_03 OnAnimHIT (Male only)
melee_push OnAnimPUSH_HEAVY
melee_push_easy OnAnimPUSH_EASY
melee_kick1 OnAnimPUSH_HEAVY
melee_kick2 OnAnimKICK
zombie_barf OnAnimBARF
g_idle_Drinking OnAnimYUM (Male only)
g_idle_Feeding OnAnimYUM (Male only)