Syntax Highlighter


Notepad++ 1 Notepad++ 2


  • Dark mode only
  • This syntax highlighter is included with Angel mod, you can find it in the syntax folder.
  • Auto-completion support (although a little bit messy)


  1. Go to in Notepad++ Language->User Defined Language->Open User Defined Language folder...
    place angelscript_wj.xml there.

  2. Go to C:\Notepad++\autoCompletion\
    place angelscript_wj.xml there from the autoCompletion zip's folder.

  3. Go to C:\Notepad++\functionList\
    place angelscript_wj.xml there from the functionList zip's folder.

  4. Restart Notepad++.

  5. Notepad++ should now recognize *.as files.

Visual Studio Code