The base entity of all entities in Source Engine games.
CP3SObj@ GetP3SObj()
-- Gets the P3S object of the entity.Vector& GetAbsOrigin()
-- Gets the absolute origin of the entity.Vector& WorldSpaceCenter()
-- Gets the world space center of the entity.QAngle& GetAbsAngles()
-- Gets the absolute angle of the entity.QAngle EyeAngles()
-- Gets the eye angles of the entity.Vector& GetLocalOrigin()
-- Gets the local origin of the entity.QAngle& GetLocalAngles()
-- Gets the local angles of the entity.void SetAbsOrigin(Vector pos)
-- Sets the absolute origin of the entity.void SetAbsAngles(QAngle ang)
-- Sets the absolute angles of the entity.void SetLocalOrigin(Vector pos)
-- Sets the local origin of the entity.void SetLocalAngles(QAngle ang)
-- Sets the local angles of the entity.void KeyValue(string&in key, string&in value)
-- Sets a keyvalue of the entity before it spawns.string GetKeyValue(string&in key)
-- Gets a keyvalue.void SetName(string&in newName)
-- Sets a new (target)name for the entity.void FireInput(string&in input, string&in value = "")
-- Fires an input.string GetName()
-- Gets the (target) GetEntIndex()
-- Gets the entity index.string GetClassName()
-- Gets the class name. (i.e. p3_npc_citizen)void AddEffects(int effect)
-- Adds effects.void RemoveEffects(int effect)
-- Removes effects.void ClearEffects()
-- Clears all the effects.void AddSpawnFlags(int nFlags)
-- Adds spawn flags.void RemoveSpawnFlags(int nFlags)
-- Removes spawn flags.string GetSequenceName(int iSequence)
-- Gets a sequence's name from a sequence's GetSequence()
void SetSequence(int nSequence)
void ResetSequence(int nSequence)
int LookupSequence(string&in seq)
void GetAttachment(int attach, Vector&inout pos, QAngle&inout ang)
-- Gets an attachment's position and LookupAttachment(string&in str)
-- Gets the index of an attachment.void Activate()
-- Activates the entity. Used after spawned.CBaseEntity@ GetParent()
-- Gets the parent entity.bool IsInWorld()
-- Checks if the entity is not out of bounds.void SetCollisionGroup(int group)
-- Sets the collision GetFlags()
-- Gets the flags. (FL_)int GetSolidFlags()
-- Gets the solid flags. (FSOLID_)void SetNextThink(double nextThinkTime)
-- Sets the next think time.void SetThink(int subFlag)
-- Sets the think function. (SUB_)void SetParent(CBaseEntity@ pNewParent, int iAttachment = - 1)
-- Sets a new parent.void SetOwnerEntity(CBaseEntity@ pNewOwner)
-- Sets an owner entity for the entity.void Headblob(string&in hbName)
-- Sets a headblob.string GetModelName()
-- Gets the model name in full path.void SetPrefab(int iPrefab)
-- Sets a new prefab.void SetModel(string&in newModel)
-- Sets a new LookupPrefab(string&in szName)
-- Looks up a prefab's GetActivity()
-- Gets current activity GetIdealActivity()
-- Gets current ideal activity index.void RemoveAllGestures()
-- Removes all gestures.void SetActivity(int iNewActivity)
-- Sets a new activity.void SetIdealActivity(int iNewIdealActivity)
-- Sets a new ideal activity.void RemoveAllBoltons()
-- Removes all boltons.void AddBolton(int iBolton)
-- Adds a new GetBodygroup(int iGroup)
-- Gets the index of a bodygroup.string GetBodygroupName(int iGroup)
-- Gets the name of a bodygroup.void SetBodygroup(int iGroup, int iValue)
-- Sets a bodygroup's FindBodygroupByName(string&in szName)
-- Finds a bodygroup's index by name.void SetSkin(int iSkin)
-- Sets a new GetSkins()
-- Gets all available GetSkin()
-- Gets current skin.bool HasNetworkProp()
-- Checks if entity has a network prop.CParticleSystem@ GetParticlePointer()
-- Gets the particle pointer, if there's any. (OBSOLETE)bool IsDeleted()
-- Checks if entity is marked for deletion. (therefore not safe to use)CPhysObj@ VPhysicsInitNormal(int solidType, int nSolidFlags, bool createAsleep)
-- Inits vphysics.CPhysObj@ VPhysicsGetObject()
-- Gets the Physics pointer.